Monday, November 15, 2010

Coughing Kitty

Have you noticed a persistent cough from your favorite feline?  There are a few possible reasons for a cough.  They range from a respiratory infection or asthma to parasites or even a heart condition.

If you've recently adopted your kitty from a shelter it's possible that he/she picked up an URI or Upper Respiratory Infection.  URIs can be be either bacterial or viral.  Either way you should separate her from other cats in the house and have her seen by a Veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

There are simple things you can do in your home to help decrease respiratory problems.  Keep the air clean and smoke fee, use a litter with little to no dust, be careful about cleaning products - if you have a hard time breathing when you use them your cat probably does to.  It is also important to decrease stress for your kitty.  Give her a safe place to get away from young children, other pets, or loud noises.

See my early post titled "Cat Air" for  more information on a heart condition known as cardiomyopathy that can be indicated by a persistent cough.

If the cough is combined with decreased activity, decreased appetite and less drinking it is important to get her in to see a Veterinarian right away.  These signs could indicate pneumonia or other infection that could be life threatening.  Cats tend to hide illness much longer than dogs and often by the time the signs are evident they are already very sick.

The AAHA PetsMatter November/December edition has a great article on coughs in cats as well.  Be sure to jump over to their website for additional information.

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